6 thoughts on “Alexandra Hotel

  1. I was the licenscee of the Alexandra hotel in the early eighties . I was wondering wether the spirit of the deceased actress was still walking the 2nd floor. It’s difficult for me to accept that there are spirits on the loose as I was a non believer but I am 100% a changed believer after the experience that I and my wife and sister and her boyfriend found out at the time. How the temperature went from very hot and sweaty wife n sister in their Bra’s us in our t .shirts to freezing temperature in seconds

      1. Hi Michael, I stayed on the 2nd floor while at university and didn’t experience anything untoward — though it’s chilling to think there was a chance of it!! Do you have any photos of how the place looked when it was a pub? Cheers.

      1. Just reading this thread. I’m interested to know if it was disturbing or friendly

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