Exit 33 Brewing
Our special release for May is Citra SMaSH (6.5%). SMaSH stands for Single Malt and Single Hop. Whilst most beers build flavour and aroma with several malt and hop combinations a SMaSH beer is the perfect way to truly experience the flavours of the single malt and hop variety and we choose Norfolk extra pale winter barley and Citra hops.
Large additions of late hopping and continuous dry hopping throughout fermentation ensures the distinctive citrus flavour imparted by the amazing Citra hop is there in abundance.
Meanwhile, Exit 33 continues to support the local community. The brewery raised £460 to help the Sheffield Tree Action Group (S.T.A.G) with our beer Yellow Ribbon. The Harlequin continues to raise money by selling STAG badges behind the bar, with £80 donated so far.
To date they have also raised over £1,700 for the animal rescue charity, and £400 split between Refuge and Women’s Aid charities. The pub will also be hosting a monthly charity quiz night from June onwards and is asking patrons to nominate their chosen charities.
Pete Roberts