Sheffield & District CAMRA members headed to the Wellington, Shalesmoor, on 10 July for the presentation of the July 2018 Pub of the Month award. Competition from the first of the World Cup semi-finals meant attendance was perhaps a little lower than it might otherwise have been, but there was still a great atmosphere in the pub as branch vice-chairman Patrick Johnson handed over the certificate to manager Niall Byrne, owner James Birkett and all the staff.
Patrick Johnson (left) presents the certificate to pub manager Niall Byrne.
It should come as no surprise that there was a great selection of real ales available on the evening. Four of the seven handpumps showcased beers from Neepsend Brewery, including the fantastic Comosus (4.6%), a very tasty pineapple pale ale. The other three featured guest ales from Atom, Anarchy and Imperial. There were also some great craft keg beers from Steel City and Wylam.
The Wellington continued the recent tradition of putting on a buffet for everyone who made it down for the presentation, with a nice selection of sandwiches, cocktail sausages, pork pies and something I had never tried before – cold black pudding!
Congratulations once again to everyone at the Wellington on their award! CAMRA members, don’t forget to vote for your next Pub of the Month. Or if your favourite isn’t on the list, you can nominate it on the website or at any branch meeting.