Champion Beer of Britain voting open
Voting is now open for first round of the the Champion Beer of Britain 2019 competition. All current CAMRA members are eligible to vote, and as Sheffield & District covers pubs in South Yorkshire and Derbyshire, our branch members can cast their votes for beers brewed in both the Yorkshire and East Midlands regions.
There are 11 categories of beers and members can vote for up to five of their favourites in each one. For more mainstream beer styles, such as bitters or golden ales, a beer has to be in regular production and available for at least seven months of the year. Other beer styles have to be available for a lesser period depending on the rarity and seasonality of the style.
The 2018 competition saw awards for two beers brewed in South Yorkshire: Sheffield’s very own Abbeydale Brewery came joint third in the Golden Ale category with Moonshine (4.3%), while Acorn Brewery from Barnsley also picked up a joint bronze in the Bitter category for their Barnsley Bitter (3.8%). The more people vote, the more chance local beers have of winning an award.
To vote, simply head to bis.camra.org.uk/cbobvoting with your membership details. You don’t have to vote in every category and you can edit your choices at any time until voting closes at midnight on 1 November.