A rather good number of 14 members attended our annual gathering of a trip round the pubs in this traditionally quiet time of early January.

The meeting point was the Bath Hotel on Victoria Street, a very ornate, traditional pub with interesting features. Beers tend to be from Abbeydale, Ashover, and other local sources. I plumped for a pint of Abbeydale Deception, a 4.1% New Zealand pale ale, before giving a half of Ashover Light Mild, 3.8%, a go.

We then hopped over a damp West Street to the Red Deer, another traditional backstreet pub frequented by both visitors, locals and students. Again there was a good choice of wickets where I went for a pint of Citra, a hazy pale of 4.2% from Oakham Ales, which seemed to be the choice of the majority.

Next was the short walk down to Division Street to Vocation & Co, a nice modern real ale and craft keg bar. Lots of their beer is on pump, keg, and in cans. Being a flavoured stout lover the Naughty & Nice, a 5.9% chocolate flavour stout, hit the spot.

We then walked to Orchard Square and the Old Shoe. This is surprisingly in an old Schuh shop and sells a large variety of ale, cider, gin and wine. Again the majority went for Chinook in Your Heart, a Cloudwater New England hazy pale weighing in at 4.4%.

We had around 75 minutes until last buses, so headed over the short distance to the Head of Steam, a pub set in the old Sheffield & Hallamshire Savings Bank. Beers on offer included Camerons 3 Kings, a red ale of 3.8% and my choice Clever Gyle, a nice 5.1% APA from the excellent Brew York.
As we all said our farewells, we can reflect on a well attended, good night out, with even better beer. Roll on next year.