
  • Paul Manning

    Paul has been on the branch committee for a few years taking on Vice Chair, Good Beer Guide and Pub of the Month/Year Coordinator roles before becoming our new Chair.

    Paul had a long career in IT and business project/programme management roles for a major financial institution before retiring in 2021. He now undertakes some part time exam invigilation work at Westfield School as well as helping his wife, Bev, look after their four young grandchildren on a regular basis. 

    Paul and Bev are often in their local, the Chantry Inn at Handsworth. They love foreign and UK travel which often involves beer!

    Paul is passionate about supporting great beer, Sheffield’s fantastic pubs and also our superb annual beer festival. He is always willing to chat with members and punters over a pint or two.

  • Glyn Mansell

    Glyn joined CAMRA in 2010 and attended branch meetings for a few years before being elected Chair in 2018.

    He's passionate about real ale and working with the committee to promote the wide variety of pubs, breweries and festivals that we're fortunate to have in and around Sheffield.

    You'll likely meet Glyn presenting many of our pub awards, as well as on our RambAles and minibus trips.

    Beyond CAMRA, he enjoys walking and cycling, is involved in conservation projects, and has five grandchildren who he says keep him grounded.

  • Paul Crofts

    Paul has been a committee member since 2014, as well as being on the festival committee.

    ‘I have enjoyed all the various roles I have played in that time, particularly my functions at [the 2017] festival, and I was delighted to be press-ganged into being the Festival Organiser for [the following] year (thanks Louise!).

    ‘As well as being fond of “lowering a couple for the tonsils”, I'm also a big music fan, particularly live music. Feel free to stop me for a chat anytime you see me in the pub (particularly if you want to sponsor something at the festival).’

  • Kevin Thompson

    I joined CAMRA in October 2010. After many years drinking solo or with friends, I decided to attend an AGM to become involved with the local branch.

    I have previously worked in retail management and have managed music stores, going on to source artists for a record label. This involved composing press releases and promotion of events.

    Outside of CAMRA duties as Press Officer and Social Secretary. I enjoy going to live gigs locally, and photographing them where npossible. I also enjoy writing actricles for our Beer Matters magazine which is published monthly.

  • Phil Ellett

    A relatively recent convert to real ale, Phil joined CAMRA in 2016. Since then he has worked as a volunteer at several beer festivals and visited numerous breweries.

    He is also on the Steel City Beer & Cider Festival organising committee, with both IT systems and cellar duties.

  • Andy Shaw

    A CAMRA member since 1977, Andy has served on numerous branch committees around the country over the past 40 years.

    He's also been a member of various national committees over the years and has been on CAMRA’s National Executive since 2012.

    In 2017 he joined the Sheffield & District committee filling a few vacant positions including Membership Secretary and Clubs Officer.

    Visitors to the Steel City Beer & Cider Festival will see Andy manning the membership stall, where he's set records recruiting new members!

  • Andy Cullen

    Andy has been actively involved in CAMRA since the early 2000s after being recruited to sit on a National Younger Members Task Group.

    Since then he has held roles on the branch committee including Secretary, Membership Secretary, Magazine Editor, Chair and now Social Secretary.

    Andy has also been involved with the Steel City Beer & Cider Festival almost every year since becoming active in the branch.

  • Dave Pickersgill

    Dave has been a CAMRA member since the 1970s and has worked at almost 40 Sheffield CAMRA festivals, plus a fair number of others. He is Brewery Liaison Officer (BLO) for Abbeydale, Blue Bee, Bradfield and Loxley. He was also the Chair of the Local Organising Committee for the 2023 national CAMRA Members’ Weekend, AGM & Conference.

    A member of the National Pub Heritage Group, he leads on planning and pub heritage issues. He also edited the Sheffield's Real Heritage Pubs book, for which downloads vastly exceeded expectations. The hard copy was available in October 2018 and again in 2021. On both occasions, it was a sell-out. The 5th edition (2023) is available as both a hard copy and a free download.

  • Sarah Mills

    CAMRA member since 2010, Sarah was encouraged to join because she wanted to be involved in the beer festival.

    ‘At the time cider was a small sideline and since I have been joint cider bar manager I have seen it go from strength to strength.’

  • Malcolm Dixon

    Malcolm is a longtime CAMRA member. Following retirement after a lengthy railway career, latterly in York, he and his wife, Jenny, moved back to Sheffield.

    Since then they have enjoyed various branch activities and currently help devise and lead the RambAles along with Dave Pickersgill.

    In recent years, Malcolm has become the Staffing Manager at our Steel City Beer & Cider Festivals, a role he's also taken on for the upcoming 2021 National AGM in Sheffield.

  • Unfilled

    Please contact the Chair if you’re interested in being considered for any of these roles.

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