Angel at Spinkhill update
Following a planning hearing at North East Derbyshire County Council (17 Dec 2013) which ended with the council wanting more information regarding the ACV status of The Angel, notice of intention to dispose of The Angel has been received from the owners Punch Taverns. This triggers a six week period when community interest groups can ask to be treated as potential bidders. The opportunity has arisen as part of the national Community Right to Bid process which enables local groups to bid to take on the running of local assets that have been placed on the Council’s List of Assets of Community Value (ACV). These are assets which are valued by the community and are likely to continue to be in future.
Bodies eligible to bid under the legislation include charities, community interest companies, non-profit distributing companies limited by guarantee or non-profit distributing industrial/provident societies (otherwise known as community benefit societies). If NEDCC receives a request from a community interest group to be treated as a potential bidder within the six week period, it will trigger a full six month period during which time eligible local groups will be able to work on their proposal. We understand that a local community group, linked to the ‘Save the Angel’ campaign, is seriously considering making such a bid.
During this six week or six month period the owner can continue to negotiate and market the asset but cannot sell it unless it is to a community interest group. After the six week or six month period, whichever applies, they are free to sell the asset to whomsoever they choose. Requests to be treated as potential bidders have to be sent, with evidence of eligibility, by 29 Jan to the Governance Manager, at NEDCC, Chesterfield.
For more on the Community Right to Bid, including how to list an asset visit the Derbyshire County Council website.
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