Charity Quiz 2014

The British Polio Fellowship 75th Anniversary Quiz Thanks to those of you who have given your previous support and a warm welcome to new supporters. Good luck with this quiz along with our hopes that you and your loved ones are having a great summer. Please feel free to share the quiz with family and friends – many thanks. Entry: £1 Prize: 10% of proceeds (90% to The British Polio Fellowship in aid of British Polio Month – July 2014) Closing date: Saturday 30th August 2014 [quiz] The following are cryptic clues related in one way or another to a 75th Anniversary (and others) or the work of TBPF.
  1. What do you get if you score three times + half score + half of a half score? [answer letters=”7-4″]
  2. Your wife wouldn’t mind you throwing this rock at her on this occasion. [answer letters=”7″]
  3. Who were those bugs who bit Uncle Sam all those years ago? [answer letters=”3, 7″]
  4. What the old sailor may expect to receive on this anniversary? [answer letters=”4″]
  5. Accommodation offered by TBPF in the west country where part of a pig’s leg smoked by a northern stream played about with a blow gun. [answer letters=”7, 8″]
  6. Spoil arose anew to raise the aim of this quiz. [answer letters=”5, 9″]
  7. All should become clear on the 15th. [answer letters=”7″]
  8. Twas on the Ides of March that the modern day Antony & Cleopatra would have for the first time around celebrated a golden event. [answer letters=”7, 6 & 9, 6″]
  9. No time for mixed talks whilst basin breaking – which leads us to the developers of polio vaccines. [answer letters=”4, 5″]
  10. An alternative to this tot somehow could result in you being given a bracing experience by him or her. [answer letters=”9″]
  11. There’s no way with a confused brain or regents could he have run that fast. But he did – it’s on the record – it was a gem of a year! His running mate couldn’t stop talking about it (once he got his breath back?). [answer letters=”5, 9″]
  12. Is this the colour of the ale CAMRA members will be celebrating with this year? [answer letters=”4″]
  13. Weave rug as gift on this occasion. [answer letters=”5″]
  14. After effects which lead to moodily person? TBPF does try to help those suffering from this. [answer letters=”4, 5, 8″]
  15. Probably not the preferred container for CAMRA members when celebrating this festival. [answer letters=”3″]
  16. Even though he wrote bugger all, on reflection he’s well remembered. [answer letters=”5, 6″]
  17. One way of coping with the ups and downs of life. [answer letters=”5, 4″]
  18. 4 fatalities short of a century but a quarter of a century later we’re still looking for those accountable for that tragedy. [answer letters=”3, 12, 8″]
  19. Can CAMRA members remember what they were celebrating 3 years ago? [answer letters=”8, 8″]
  20. Steal nine quinces? Naughty! We’ll not be around to enjoy them by this time but no doubt the TBPF will be celebrating this anniversary. [answer letters=”16″]
[/quiz] All entries must be accompanied by the appropriate payment to be entered into the draw.  To enter by post, please send your entry fee and completed quiz or donations (cheque‘s payable to: The British Polio Fellowship) to: TBPF 75th Anniversary Quiz, c/o 80 Kendal Road, Sheffield S6 4QH. Completed quiz sheets and entry fees/donations may also be left at The Hillsborough. The winner is the first most correct answer sheet drawn at random. The judge’s decision is final. image1 For further information about the work of The British Polio Fellowship visit their website. For details of local or regional branch activities please contact Ann Kay. British Polio Fellowship is a registered charity in England and Wales (1108335) and in Scotland (SC038863). A company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales No. 5294321.