Volunteers required to survey pubs!

CAMRA’s national pub guide website, whatpub.com, is being relied on as a resource to find information on pubs around the UK by more and more people and it is increasingly important we keep the database up to date. As with almost everything in CAMRA, it relies on volunteers and our branch is responsible for information on all the pubs in our area being maintained in the Whatpub.com database. We know that of the several hundred pubs in our area a proportion have information that is out of date or wrong, this is where you come in as a CAMRA member. We ask that any pub or bar you visit for a drink, you look it up on whatpub.com and see if there are any errors. If there are please find out the correct information from the staff and submit an update (there is a link on the website to do this) which our pubs officer will then process. Likewise, if you are aware of a new pub opening it would be very useful if information could be submitted to us so we can load it onto whatpub.com. Information we need includes name, address, website, phone number, opening hours, beer range, real cider availability, food offering and facilities. A photograph is always good too. Whatpub.com aside, our annual Beer Capital Survey is coming up on 3rd September. This is where we run a number of different pub crawls around the City on the same day and record the choice of real ales and ciders along with prices where possible in as many pubs as we can. This takes the pulse of the pub and beer scene looking at the scale of variety available, which breweries and beers most commonly appear on the bars and the average price of a pint. There are a number of towns and Cities doing such an audit now and there is competition to be declared the ‘Real Ale Capital of Britain’ based on the number of different beers – so far Sheffield is undefeated in terms of pure numbers (others try to work it on beer per head of population to make their figure look better!). Please look out for the details and join us – if we have lots of people out doing this, not only does it mean we can cover more pubs but it also becomes a more social event!

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