![old-anglers_crop [5611974]](https://sheffield.camra.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/old-anglers_crop-5611974-300x187.jpg)

District Pub of the Year 2017
The Anglers Rest
The Anglers Rest in Bamford is a special place. In October 2013 after a long, hard fought campaign, it was purchased collectively by over 300 people and became the first community owned pub in the High Peak.
In late 2012, The Bamford Community Society, a community benefit society, was formed in order to purchase the pub, after it was threatened with closure. The community society had an overwhelming response, working together to save the Anglers. Asset of Community Value (ACV) status was obtained with High Peak Borough Council (HPBC) in May 2013. This provided a clear breathing space while business plans were formulated.
Since re-opening, local volunteers have renovated and improve the facilities. The pub has thrived. It is now a viable and sustainable business – the pub, the post office and café are all under the one roof with a large village car park adjacent. Under the management of a professional team, it provides a warm welcome to local people and visitors alike.
There is a full events programme including a weekly quiz and monthly folk sessions and vinyl club. The Anglers also has an outdoor tool station for emergency repairs and cycle racks.
The pub has a wide selection of real ales from the local area and beyond. Local brewery, Intrepid, regularly feature, as well as Black Sheep and ales from Kelham Island and Abbeydale. It was awarded April 2015 ‘Pub of the Month’ by ‘Sheffield and District’ CAMRA and is now adding the prestigious ‘District Pub of the Year Award.’
The Anglers is a perfect example of the positive effect which Asset of Community value (ACV) status can have. Without the speedy obtaining of the protection this afforded, it is unlikely that the Anglers would have survived, leaving Bamford as yet another village with no pub.
This award will be presented on the afternoon of Saturday 20th.May – all welcome!
Dave Pickersgill, April 2017
![old-anglers_crop [5611974]](https://sheffield.camra.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/old-anglers_crop-5611974-300x187.jpg)
I worked with an ex-brewery executive from 2009 to 2012. He said it was commonplace in the brewery industry to have a strategy which bankrupted each employee manager – and then replace them. The idea was to extract as much profit as possible, then to sell the property to an Indian Restaurant or another buyer. Without the vampire brewer to pay, I am not at all surprised that this pub is now thriving, a true community pub.