Stancill set sights on new city centre pub

2017 has already been a busy year for Stancill. So far this year, they have launched a search for the region’s best home brewer, worked in conjunction with Penistone Armed Forces to produce a special, limited edition beer to commemorate the sinking of the HMS Sheffield and now, the Sheffield brewery is set to open its third brewery tap in the city. Eagle-eyed readers of June’s Beer Matters may have spotted a cryptic stop press notice at the end of the article. As the deadline for the magazine loomed, the ink was still drying on a new deal signed by the brewery, which will see the opening of its first city centre venue. At the time of writing, The Albion on London Road is currently undergoing an extensive refurbishment. New beer lines have been added to accommodate a changing selection of hand pulled beers which will be complemented by a range of craft beers. The pub is set to open its doors in July and will follow the tried and tested formula bringing together special themed evenings and entertainment. Believed to have been built in the 1830s, The Albion will open every day and, as with other Stancill Brewery pubs, CAMRA members will be able to benefit from a 20% discount on all Stancill ales when The Albion re-opens. If you can’t wait to redeem the discount until the end of July, the Norfolk Arms and The Horse & Jockey also operate the 20% discount for CAMRA members, with plenty to choose from including the award winning Barnsley Bitter, No.7 and Blonde as well as Stancill Pilsner and Lager. An official re-opening date has not been confirmed, but details will be released via Stancill Brewery’s Facebook ( and Twitter channels @StancillBrewery. The brewery is also planning to add another new venue to its growing pubs division. Look out for more news in the next edition!

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