Real Heritage Pubs of the North East

< Note: April 2020: when this message was originally posted in  2018, it was possible to download the NE PHG from the National Pub Heritage Website. However, in August 2018, this website went down and was subsequently replaced by the new one – – the new site has more functionality than the previous site, but unfortunately, the provision for Regional Guides is not yet in place. Hence, at present it is not possible to download Regional PH Guides. > This publication, the CAMRA guide about Heritage Pubs in the North East of England, is now available as a free download. Edited by Paul Ainsworth, this ground-breaking publication aims to create an up-to-date snapshot of the North East Pub Heritage picture. For example, the Stags Head in South Shields, a Victorian pub of 1897, has an unusual feature of a two-storey arrangement of two bars one above the other – clearly a response to the narrow site. On the ground floor the entrance lobby on the left has floor to ceiling tiling and the inner door has stained glass. In the two-part public bar, the counter and bar-back are original, as is the fire-surround although the hearth and tiles seem modern; above is a stag’s head. The wide elliptical arch spanning the servery is also most unusual. Included are 40 images and detailed comment on the 44 North East pubs listed on the CAMRA Pub Heritage website. The guide is freely available from the CAMRA Pub Heritage website: Dave Pickersgill

One thought on “Real Heritage Pubs of the North East

  1. April 2020: when this message was originally posted in  2018, it was possible to download the NE PHG from the National Pub Heritage Website. However, in August 2018, this website went down and was subsequently replaced by the new one – – the new site has more functionality than the previous site, but unfortunately, the provision for Regional Guides is not yet in place. Hence, at present it is not possible to download Regional PH Guides.

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