Get involved! Volunteers needed
As with all branches of CAMRA, Sheffield & District is volunteer run and we need more people to help out to be effective. If you fancy getting involved, here are some things you can do that require varying levels of time/commitment/effort:
Brewery Liaison Officer (BLO):
This is a role that is all about building a friendly relationship between CAMRA and local brewers and keeping up to speed with what the brewery is doing. You maintain the brewery’s entry in the CAMRA Brewery Information System (B.I.S.) which ensures that information we use for the Good Beer Guide, Champion Beer of Britain and beer festivals are correct. You are also asked to provide a quarterly news report to the regional co-ordinator and encourage the brewery to submit news to our Beer Matters magazine.
We currently have BLO vacancies for Intrepid, Mitchells Hop House, On the Edge, Regather, Triple Point, True North, Fuggle Bunny and Toolmakers.
Whatpub.com surveyer:
Whatpub.com is the public website that fronts CAMRA’s national pub and club database. We aim to have every single venue in the UK in the system with up to date details including opening hours, contact details, idea of beer range, food service times etc. This relies on members submitting updates and also intelligence of new places opening and also closures. We ask that you check what is displayed for pubs and clubs you visit and if it is wrong please ask the manager/staff/landlord/landlady for the correct details and use the link to submit them to us.
Beer scoring:
Another function members can use on whatpub.com is to rate the quality of the real ale they try in pubs and submit that data to the local CAMRA branch. This information may help with the choosing of Good Beer Guide entries and the winners of pub awards.
Beer Matters magazine editor, website and Social Media
These roles are currently being covered on a temporary basis, we are looking for enthusiastic people to join the committee and help shout about what Sheffield CAMRA is doing along with sharing our passion for good beer and pubs.
Beer Matters magazine distribution
Each month we print 3,500 copies of our magazine which volunteers then take out to as many real ale venues across our area as possible. We still have a few areas uncovered, if you could help with that please let us know!
Public Affairs Officer
As a campaigning organisation, this is an incredibly important role on our committee, building relationships with key people such as MPs, councillors and journalists and ensuring they are aware of our views on issues affecting beer drinkers and pubs, influencing them to our way of thinking and publicising our campaigns.
Social Secretary
We want as many members actively involved as possible and reflecting that people do things in CAMRA as a hobby in their spare time, it is important to have a good programme of enjoyable social events and someone to organise them. Guided pub crawls, minibus trips, brewery tours, beer tasting sessions, dinners in real ale serving venues are all proven ideas and may be you are the person to not only organise such events but also introduce some new ideas!
Beer & Cider Festival Staff
Our festivals are 100% volunteer organised, managed and staffed. It involves work but has its rewards and can be quite enjoyable. We’re involved with organising Dronfield beer festival in May and organise Sheffield’s Steel City Beer & Cider Festival in October and always need volunteers to help, staffing forms can be found online. You may also wish to help at other CAMRA branch events or the big national one in London – Great British Beer Festival (where accommodation is provided for full time volunteers), check out camra.org.uk for dates etc.
Vote for pub awards!
We run a pub of the month award programme as well as a Pub of the year competition. If you drink in a pub in our area that you think deserves recognition, nominate it for an award! If you see a pub already nominated that you think is good, vote for it! Each year as a branch we also pick the best Sheffield & District pubs to feature in the national Good Beer Guide.