Beer garden openings

On the governments road map out of lockdown pubs cannot open indoors until the end of May* and without restriction until late June*, however outdoor drinking with table service and maximum groups of six people will be possible from 12 April.

Below is our guide listing all the pubs with beer gardens or other outdoor areas in or near Sheffield that have announced they will be opening for outdoor table service this spring – not all pubs will find it viable to do so. Please click through via WhatPub to the individual venues’ website or social media for more details including opening hours and any booking requirements.

Not all pubs on the list serve real ale, click the link to WhatPub to check.

If you are aware of any pubs with an outdoor area that will be opening in April that we have missed off the list, please comment below with the details and we will add them where appropriate. Likewise if you spot any venues on the list that aren’t actually going to be opening after all let us know so they can be removed!

For details of current Coronavirus restrictions visit the government website, a summary of the roadmap out of lockdown is reproduced below. In pubs to summarise all customers are required to sign in to NHS Test & Trace (unless just picking up a takeaway), wear a face covering whenever not seated, sit at a table to eat & drink and be served at table. Please be nice to the staff having to implement these government safety rules!

Also from 12th April pubs are now allowed to include alcohol in their take away sales offering so some will also be selling beer to take home in carry out bottles if you fancy fresh cask beer but not drawn to the beer garden!

Public transport information for getting to the pubs by bus, train or tram is available from Travel South Yorkshire. Don’t forget by law face coverings currently must be worn on public transport and in taxis (unless you are exempt) and services are running at reduced capacity to allow for social distancing.

Looking for news about more than just pubs? The lovely people at This is Sheffield may be able to help with independent shops, cafes and more.

25 thoughts on “Beer garden openings

  1. Many thanks for doing this, Andy. I’m looking forward to trips out from the 12th.

    I hope there’s more to add; particularly in the Walkley/Hillsborough area to report on.


    1. I’m sure there will be more pubs deciding to open outdoors as we get closer to the time and for example in Walkley the last we heard from the Blind Monkey was they are 50/50 as to whether to open the garden in April or wait until May when the whole pub can open.

      1. You were right !

        Great effort to keep this updated, Andy, and good to see yet more pubs showing faith that we’ll pack out the beer gardens in mid April !

  2. The sportsman, redmires road, lodge moor. Opening the beer garden and doing takeaway from the 12th April.

  3. Hi Andy, much appreciate this list.
    Both the Mount Pleasant and Prince of Wales on Derbyshire Lane, Norton Lees have said they’re opening pub gardens on 12th April.

  4. Hi, thanks for adding us to the list but the Facebook link is out of date, our new page is Sheafhousesheffield. Also phone number is 07711475351.Thanks

    1. thanks, those details on the entry are now updated. Please feel free to submit any pub updates (eg opening hours etc) using the “submit update” link on the pub’s entry.

  5. Hi Andy … interesting and useful map of the pubs that will be open on
    or from April 12th … what did you use to create it as we would be interested in doing something similar for our branch pubs in North London … and would you have any instructions on setting this up please? … Would be grateful if you could send details / hints / tips to my email address (shown below) … also, how much upkeep / maintenance is involved … many thanks in advance … Colin (CAMRA North London Branch)

  6. Hi, looking to book the day off on the 12th april as it is my birthday, missing Sheffield’s finest real ale houses! Are any definitely confirmed for that date opening? Obviously in the beer garden. I.e gardeners, Hillsborough, Kelham island, Harlequin etc. Thanks

    1. All on the list have advised they intend to open on that week, assuming that remains the date the government allow outdoor hospitality to open. Note that opening days/hours vary and some are asking people to book a table whilst others are completely walk in. Please click the link on the pub name to go to the pub’s entry on and use the links there to check the pub’s own social media for information they have posted. Note it won’t be viable for every pub to open outdoors only so some will be waiting at least until May when they can open indoors, also not all pubs have announced their plans yet.

    1. Hi Mandy, as far as I am aware there is no Coronavirus curfew this time so will only be subject to closing time restrictions that are in the pub’s licence or planning permission (which may be earlier outdoors than indoors), however some pubs will close earlier than normal as they don’t think it is financially worth keeping a beer garden open late in the north of England in April!

  7. Hi Andy, The Psalter Hotel in Nether Edge will be opening outdoors on the 12th, if you could add us to the list that would be much appreciated!

  8. Abbeydale Picturehouse will be opening the carpark as a beer garden weekends from 16th April

  9. Nǎm Sông is opening their Sharrow Vale site in Dyson Place from the 12th of April for outdoor drinks and food!

  10. Really great campaigning work Andy/Sheff CAMRA. Good to see north Sheff filling up a bit.

    There looks to be a lot of outside work going on in the Rose House in Walkley too but no details.


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