Little Chicago gets blogged

Well-known micropub blogger, Scott Spencer, recently visited Sheffield where he was guided through one of our published pub heritage walks: Little Chicago. He then visited another eleven pubs, mostly new to his blogs. We started at West Bar taking in the excellent, and varied, beer offerings in the Crow, Shakespeare’s and the Kelham Island Tavern while discussing both happenings from the major expansion of Sheffield in the 18th century and episodes from the 1920s Sheffield gang wars. Also mentioned was local art works, the Methodist Church, George Orwell, the 1884 ‘Drinks Map of Sheffield,’ changes in employment patterns and the positive effect of immigration

Kelham Island followed before the Harlequin, the Riverside and a sweep up to Trippet Lane, via 2/6 and Perch. Full details of Scott’s enjoyable time in Sheffield are available at: . He hopes to visit Sheffield for a third blog at some point next Spring.

On this Sheffield visit, Scott was accompanied by Chris, (Editor of Inspire, the Chesterfield CAMRA magazine) and Sheffield and District CAMRA members Dave, Jenny and Malcolm. Details of the Little Chicago walk and the accompanying booklet are available at:

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