Blue Bee Brewery
By the time you read this the Snooker Wold Championships will be nearly over and I am wondering how many of you have ‘downed the brown’, ‘sinked the pink ‘or even gone Inhov the Black? As always Blue Bee Brewery pockets the colours of the snooker table, Brown Ball (a lovely dark bitter), Blue Ball (easy drinking American hopped ale), Pink Ball (Strong IPA) and the new edition to the mix and trying to make the maximium break is Inhov the Black! our brand new 7% Imperial Russian Stout.
In other news, we are looking in to buying a new fermenter, FV3 will help us expand our capacity and enable us to brew three times a week, more news and updates soon so watch this space!
I took the plunge on Thursday and downed Inhov the Black at the Harlequin. Excellent Beer