Fuggle Bunny Brewhouse

We opened our Brewery on the 1st of February 2014 and since producing and selling our beers in April of this year we are going from strength to strength. Our Director and Award Winning Brewer has over 37 years experience in the Brewing Industry, and his passion about Real Ale and what a ‘proper pint’ should taste like therefore lead him to the decision of biting the bullet and going it alone. We have a 6BBL plant and since producing our Quintessential, Quality Craft Ales we have gone from strength to strength, which we put down not only to the excellent beer we produce, but our new marketing strategy.  We decided we wanted to be a little different from the other breweries but still keeping the principles of what the customer wanted.  So we decided to treat our venture as a story, as in life we all go through different chapters, with a beginning, middle and end. Fuggle Bunny Brew House Limited was created around several key facts one of which was the Hop named Fuggle which was the cornerstone for English Hops in the 1800 to early 1900’s.  There are some differing stories to how it was discovered, but I am sticking by this one.  In 1861 Richard Fuggle from Kent came across a casual seedling in George Stace’s flower garden, the seed from which the plant arose was shaken out along with the crumbs from the hop picking dinner basket used by Mrs Stace, and is why we have named one of our Beers Chapter 5 – Oh Crumbs 3.8% easy drinking sessional beer.  It was then commercially introduced around 1875. We then chose a Rabbit which is synonymous with rebirth and resurrection and as we live in Sheffield where 3 of the biggest breweries foreclosed several years ago, we therefore thought what a great place to start our ‘New Beginnings’. The pump clips are causing quite a stir, again we wanted something a little different, we researched what drinkers looked for at the bar, and so we incorporated a story to each pump clip which follows each chapter and in doing so we highlighted the aromas and tastes into the story along with what type of beer it was under the Title name for e.g our Chapter 1 – New Beginnings 4.9% (AMBER BITTER) so that the drinkers can actually see what kind of beer it is without having to continually ask bar staff. The pump clips are designed around a book with the top right hand corner being the page turnover and that is where we decided to add the Union Jack with the words made in britain as we are proud of our Heritage. We also wanted to be a little more personal and flexible to our customers and on Friday it is Fuggles day when the public can call into the Brewery, taste our beers and take home 4pt carry out jugs which also have an interesting story label. We are sponsoring the Sheffield Steel City 40th Ruby anniversary Beer Festival and all our Chapters will be there, and hopefully we will have a New Chapter 7 which we will unveil on the night.  We are also entered into the SIBA North East Beer Competition in York.  We have secured 3 major contracts to date with another on the horizon which is not bad going to say we have only been selling for 6 months.  Our bar is near completion and ready for our first paying guests for the Brewery Tour which starts on 24th October 2014 which incidentally is with the CAMRA guys. Finally I know the sun is still shining bright but Christmas is looming in the wings, therefore in order to make your Christmas go with a bang – get your orders in now for a fuggling festive Christmas – hop to it! Check us out on our website www.fugglebunnybrewhouse.co.uk  A warm and friendly welcome awaits everyone at the Fuggle Bunny Brew House Limited. For all your party needs……we sell to the public, trade, wholesale and landlords. Wendy Steeple  

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