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We recently presented July Pub of the Month to the Cremorne on London Road, August pub of the Month to the Red Deer on Pitt Street and District Pub of the Year to the Anglers Rest at Millers Dale.
A thanks to all the above pubs for hosting us and making us welcome along with a congratulations on your respective awards.
Also a special thanks to Wincle brewery who supplied a complimentary bottle of beer to all of us who attended the presentation at the Anglers Rest as a take home gift, Wincle beers often feature on the bar at the Anglers and on the night of the presentation a pin of theirs was set up on the bar as an additional guest beer poured on gravity.
Finally not long after we presented Graham and Beryl with their District Pub of the Year award they celebrated their Ruby wedding anniversary. Again, congratulations!
The Brothers Arms laid on a beer and music festival on the same weekend as Tramlines festival and of course the Everley Pregnant Brothers was one of the acts performing there. Our Dronfield sub branch had an official social there later on the Saturday evening and enjoyed themselves, however our photo from earlier in the day when the Brothers were playing suggests a good turn out….
The Old Poets Corner at Ashover, near Chesterfield, won Derbyshire Pub of the Year, pictured is Jane Lefley of Chesterfield CAMRA presenting the award.