![Anglers Rest Millers Dale [381855]](https://sheffield.camra.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Anglers-Rest-Millers-Dale-381855-300x225.png)

Rural Pub of the Season
New Award – Rural Pub Of The Season
As readers may know, the reason we are known as Sheffield & District branch is because part of our area falls within Derbyshire. This means we have many excellent pubs which, due to their distance from the city, are perhaps overlooked in Pub of the Month nominations.
To try and redress the balance, and to encourage members to venture further afield when looking for good pubs, we are introducing a new award.
The Rural Pub of The Season, as the name suggests will be a quarterly award, and will only be open to our pubs that are outside the Sheffield City Unitary Boundary. Like the Pub of the Month award, pubs must have served Real Ale for at least a year, and had the same landlord or manager for the last 6 months.
Winning pubs will also be added to the shortlist for the Branch Pub of The Year competition.
Members can nominate a pub at any point and vote using the online form on our website or at branch meetings.
The first award will be the Autumn award, with voting lasting from 1st June to 31st August.
We intend to be more proactive in promoting this award and helping to support our rural pubs. Beer Matters will feature frequent articles, and we will organise regular trips into the area.
The full set of rules and a full list of the eligible pubs are on our website. Landlords or Bar managers wanting to know more can contact our Press Officer, Paul Crofts at press@sheffieldcamra.org.uk
Picture shows a fine example of a Derbyshire pub, The Anglers Rest at Millers Dale, current District Pub of The Year.
![Anglers Rest Millers Dale [381855]](https://sheffield.camra.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Anglers-Rest-Millers-Dale-381855-300x225.png)