A belated happy new year to you all, and a great big welcome to our new look core range artwork! Rest assured that the beer behind the pumpclip is exactly the same brew that we all know and love, but with a fresher appearance that looks more at home on a 2017 bar.
As usual, we’ve got new beers galore for you this month!
Heathen was our fastest-growing beer of 2016, and this year will see us create a new range with the same look (artwork created by the wonderful James D Murphy), but which will be available in both cask and keg.
First up, we’ll have Salvation stout – coconut edition (5.5%), packed full of Sorachi Ace hops and 50kg of coconut toasted by our own fair hands.
Coming later in February we will be releasing the first iteration of our new Voyager IPA, and the inaugural Reaper cereal beer, which will initially take the form of a Hopfenweisse. We’re really looking forward to use this range to explore new ingredients and expand our outlook on exciting beer styles. Look out for other limited edition beers in this series later in the year too.
Our Animal Vengeance series is back with a… erm… vengeance, too.
Lion Tamer (4.3%) will roar across the tastebuds with citrus and pine flavours from the Cascade and Chinook hops. Doctor Morton’s Cattle Prod is an old favourite making a return: a classic 4.1% pale ale with notes of refreshing orange and melon.
Finally, our next Beerhead is a little Excuser (3.6%), promising to be a light session IPA brimming with fresh fruity twists and an uplifting floral aroma.