Champion Beer of Britain
You might have seen by now that Church End Brewery’s Goats Milk won the coveted CAMRA Champion Beer of Britain prize at the recent Great British Beer Festival in London. Unfortunately there were no Sheffield winners in any of the categories this year, but now your chance is here to change that in the future.
Voting for the first round of the 2019 (yes, 2019!) competition is now underway. All CAMRA members are able to vote via the website at www.cbobvoting.org.uk. You can nominate up to five beers in each of the eleven categories to be put forward for the CBoB competition, but if you only want to nominate beers in one category, or even just one beer, that’s fine too. As Sheffield & District CAMRA covers both South Yorkshire and Derbyshire, our members are eligible to vote for breweries based in both the North East & Yorkshire and the East Midlands regions, but you will have to log on twice to do so.
The process for a beer winning this national competition is as follows: CAMRA members vote for the best beers brewed in their area (subject to certain eligibility criteria), then there is regional judging at local beer festivals to decide which beers progress to the national vote, and finally the prizes are judged and winners announced at Great British Beer Festival.
Happy voting!
Dominic Nelson