Young Members

CAMRA is hosting its first ever Young Members’ Forum this October to debate and promote the ideas and issues that affect the campaign’s younger members. The Young Members’ AGM will also take place at the same time, and will see the election of the new chairman and committee members. Every CAMRA member aged between 18 and 30 is automatically counted as a Young Member and is invited along to the event, which is set to be held at the Ned Ludd in Nottingham, NG1 6DA, on 14 October from 2pm. The forum coincides with the Robin Hood Beer and Cider Festival being held at Nottingham Castle, and attendees will receive a queue-jump pass and a token for a free pint once inside the festival. Sheffield & District CAMRA currently has a vacancy for a Branch Young Members’ Contact. The BYMC is responsible for organising social events at a local level and should be the first point of contact for Young Members in the branch. If interested, get in touch by contacting our chairman, Mick, at or get in touch on Facebook.

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