Young Members’ Trip to Derby
We have arranged a social trip to Derby on Saturday 14 April for the younger members of the branch. Derby is, of course, a city with a great real ale heritage, so we are going to sample some of the most highly-regarded pubs around the city centre.
CAMRA’s Young Members are those aged between 18 and 39. Members from our neighbouring branches in Yorkshire and the East Midlands are very warmly invited to come along too. The more the merrier! There are good public transport links between Sheffield and Derby, with around three direct trains running every hour.
We are aiming to arrive at the first pub at around 1:30pm, but don’t worry if you can’t make the start of the trip. Committee members Poppy and Dom will be catching the 12:29 train from Sheffield station if you would like to travel together.
You are most welcome to join or leave the tour at any time; the planned itinerary (kindly suggested by James Lymer) is as follows:
13:30: Meet at the Exeter Arms (13 Exeter Pl, Derby DE1 2EU) – you may also want to eat here beforehand or elsewhere such as the Tap next door.
14:00: Tap (1 Derwent St, Derby, DE1 2ED)
15:00: Dog and Moon (16 Sadler Gate, Derby, DE1 3NF)
16:00: Last Post (1 Uttoxeter Old Rd, Derby, DE1 1GA)
17:00: Greyhound (75-76 Friar Gate, Derby, DE1 1FN)
Anyone interested can join the Facebook event, where we will also include any updates about changes to timings that might occur during the day. Those not on social media can confirm their place by emailing Dom at beermatters@sheffield.camra.org.uk. Hope to see you there!