Welbeck Abbey Brewery

Happy summer! We’re looking forward to July as the installation of our new fermentation tanks will be complete and it’s our annual team break to the amazing Moonbeams festival hosted by our pals at Wold Top Brewery! We’ve also got 3 new specials to share with you this month. We’ll start with and old favourite, Cathedral Beeches (3.7%). This bitter is full of heady herbal aromas from British Phoenix hops, making it surprisingly delicious and certainly more interesting than many of its counterparts. Our next special is one of our favourites, Pineapple Lodge (4.8%), named after a grade II Listed building in the heart of the Welbeck village. The balance of malt with American and New Zealand hops make this IPA satisfyingly full flavoured. Notes of tropical fruits are balanced with a rich and deep malt backbone from specialty Vienna Malt, giving an almost pineapple-like flavour. Lastly from our Brewers Choice range we have Mark’s Lager & Lime (4.4%). Whilst Mark is a valued member of the brewery team, it quickly came to our attention that he drinks lager. His tipple is a carefully chosen pint of mainstream lager, pepped up with either a twist of lime cordial or perhaps preceded by a dash of ‘R White’s’. The brewers have decided this has to stop. They have brewed Mark his very own ‘Lager & Lime’ using the finest quality British lager malt and fresh zest and juice from Brazilian limes. Don’t forget to grab your brewery tour tickets! July has already sold out so grab your August or September tickets before they go too! If you’re interested grab tickets via our website at www.welbeckabbeybrewery.co.uk.  Tickets cost £10 per person and include a guided tour and 2 free pints! Jess Low

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