A great big hello to Sheffield and Beer Matters readers from Dann & Martha at the brand new Brewery of Saint Mars of the Desert. We are really excited to be part of this fantastic beer city and looking forward to meeting you all at some point.
SMOD is a small 1,000 litre brewery and licensed taproom based in Attercliffe (90 Stevenson Road, S9 3XG). Google us for updated opening hours. We’re a bit off the beaten track for sure, but will have up to eight of our own kegs on at any point. This spring we’ll be expanding our hours so stay tuned for that.
Our beers are just now finding themselves in the local market as well. You can find more info on what’s available on our website, beerofsmod.co.uk.
In March we released a hazy double IPA, Attercliffe Industrial, at 6.6% with Rakau and Citra hops and received delivery of our first oak foeder.
Cheers and see you soon.
Dann Paquette & Martha Holley-Paquette