Last month, we reported how the Royal Oak (Mosborough), was demolished. The owners, Bar 24 Ltd., have now applied for retrospective planning permission. Their assertion is that toxic waste was dumped in the car park, and the situation became so bad that the only option was to demolish the pub. The building dated from 1843, becoming a beerhouse in 1870.
Clive Betts, the local MP disagrees, ‘we should never have been in this position. An application should have gone in before the pub was demolished, and it’s disgraceful how the applicants have behaved. The application has to be treated as if the building is still there. There must be no advantage to the developer because they broke the rules and demolished the pub before they got permission.’
Sheffield and District CAMRA agree with Clive. In October, environmental experts assessed the situation and didn’t find anything to justify demolition. This suggests that the spillage has been used as a pretext for taking short cuts to potentially secure profitable redevelopment of the site. We also believe objections to the anticipated planning application should initially focus on the importance of retaining pub use on the site and the lack of any justification for the demolition. The Carlton Tavern (London) sets a clear precedent.
Sheffield and District CAMRA will comment on this planning application. We encourage you to do the same. Sheffield City Council planning, reference 21/03651/FUL.
The developers are proposing to replace the pub with a retail park.
They should be made to rebuild to many pub’s been lost to greedy developer’s