Ukraine benefit night

The dreadful events unfolding in Ukraine have outraged all right-minded people and led to a huge desire amongst the public to help in whatever way they can. In typical style, the Dorothy Pax bar, situated on Victoria Quays in Sheffield recently leapt into action and organized a charity night to raise funds for War Child UK and the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal.

Casks of beer from locals brewers, Abbeydale Brewery, Blue Bee Brewery and Triple Point Brewery were donated free with every penny from the sales going directly to the charities. Music for the night was provided free by the Balkan Bandits, including a distinctive cover of I Will Survive, and a selection of Ukrainian food was on sale during the evening to boost the fund.

The evening concluded with a charity raffle. Prizes were donated by the likes of Honey Bee Blues Club, Sheffield United, Beer Metropolis, Lilley’s Cider, A&G Passenger Boats, and our own Steel City Beer Festival.

Overall, a fantastic evening was had by everyone, raising almost £9,000.                          

Further proof, if it were needed, that owners Richard and Simon have turned the Dorothy Pax into one of the best bars in the city for both beer lovers and music lovers alike.

Photos courtesy of Mal Whichelow Photography. Find him on Facebook, Instagram etc.

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