Sheffield has many great pubs and green spaces within, and around, its boundaries. Once again we invite you to join us on visits to some of our local pubs and villages in the countryside in and surrounding Sheffield using public transport.
Sat 26 | The Pennine Way starts here!
Join us to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the creation of the Pennine Way long distance footpath with this much shorter walk between Hope and Edale where the Way starts on its 268 mile route to Kirk Yetholm.
Catch the 11:36 272 Castleton bus from Sheffield Interchange as far as Hope village. We shall meet up in the Old Hall Inn for our first drink and wait for anyone who’s come out on the 12:14 Northern train from Sheffield.
A short walk then takes us to the Old Cheshire Cheese for a second drink. From there we’ll walk up Lose Hill to Hollins Cross and then down to Edale for a drink at the Rambler Inn to get our breath back before walking up to the Old Nags Head where there should be a beer festival in full swing (25-27). Return travel will be by train from Edale Station.
Sat 17 | A bluebell walk through Ecclesall Woods to Dore & Totley
Meet outside Dore and Totley Stn (S17 3LB – trains, 97, 98 or 218 buses) at 11:30. We’ll walk through Ecclesall Woods and Ryecroft Glen up to Dore to call in at the Devonshire Arms. We’ll then walk down to the Crown and the Cricket Inn at Totley before walking up to the Cross Scythes for a final drink before a bus back home.
Fri 6 | Beighton to Halfway via Rother Valley Country Park and Killamarsh
We catch the 11:45 Blue Tram from Castle Square to the Drake House Lane in Beighton stop. Then its a short walk to the Scarsdale Hundred Wetherspoons for our starters.
We then walk down to and then through the Rother Valley Country Park to get
to Killamarsh for a visit to the award winning Guzzle MicroPub.
Finally we walk up the road to finish with a visit to the Fuggle Bunny Brew House, where we might be joined by fellow CAMRA drinkers.
Sat 12 | In the footsteps of Kes, Hoyland Common to Chapeltown
Catch the 11:36 2 bus from Eyre Street alighting at Stead Lane in Hoyland Common, featuring artwork depicting Billy Caspar and Kes, and a blue plaque on the house where Barry Hines lived.
We visit the Tap & Brew for a choice of six brews, then onto the Saville Square pub. We do a bit of walking towards Tankersley and Thorncliffe. The Miners Arms might provide a further stop as we continue on our way to the Commercial in Chapeltown.
We might find time to call in the Wagon & Horses before getting either a train or bus back to Sheffield.
TBD | We hope to feature a mini pub tour of Derbyshire
We aim to provide a series of walks which we hope people won’t find either too long or too strenuous and most will feature a number of pubs and drop-out points where people can leave and make their own way back, by bus or train, to Sheffield if they don’t fancy doing the whole walk or want to stay for another drink in a particular pub. These will also provide joining points for any latecomers.
Everyone is welcome to join us on any of these walks but they are advised to come suitably equipped for the day’s walking, which may be rough, wet and muddy in places. Please also come prepared for the possibility of changeable and inclement weather. In most cases you will also need to bring (or be able to buy) sufficient food and drink for yourself for the day.
Most timings and fares will be given in the walks listing. Any additions or amendments will also be published in new leaflets, future editions of Beer Matters or on our website.
Contact the RambAles Coordinator on 07842 530128 or for more information.
Malcolm and Jenny